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By Annalisa Purser and Janelle Hanson, communications specialists, University of Utah Communications

University of Utah senior Hodan Abdi came to Utah with her family five years ago from a refugee camp in Ethiopia. She will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and an emphasis in biology this year, along with 8,568 other U students who will also celebrate achieving this milestone. The 149th general commencement ceremony will be held Thursday, May 3, 2018, 6:30 p.m., in the Jon M. Huntsman Center, and most college convocations will happen the next day.

Abdi transferred to the U after studying at Salt Lake Community College for two years and will attend medical school this fall.

“My biggest inspiration comes from living in a refugee camp, where there was only one doctor for 10,000 people,” Abdi said. “There were so many people who would get sick and die from preventable diseases. I want to do something to help those people. I have all the opportunities I need here, so, why not?”

Read the full story on At The U.

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